Rajasthan Roadways Bus Timetable from SHIVPURI (MP) to BUNDI
Rajasthan Roadways (RSRTC) operates its buses from Shivpuri (MP) to Bundi as per schedule given below-
Distance from Shivpuri to Bundi- 273 KMs
Bus fare from Shivpuri to Bundi- Rs.278/-
Shivpuri to Bundi | Kasbathana, Kelwada, Baran, Simliya, Kota | RSRTC Express | ||
2 | 10.30 hrs | Shivpuri to Bundi | Kasbathana, Kelwada, Baran, Kota | |
Passengers are advised to confirm the latest timetable from bus stand enquiry before leaving: