BIKANER to PALI Bus Timetable
Rajasthan Roadways Bus Time Table
RSRTC Bus Time Table
Rajasthan Roadways operates its buses from Bikaner to Pali as per schedule given below-
Distance from Bikaner to Pali is 344 KMs
Bus fare from Bikaner to Pali is Rs.336, 416/-
Bikaner to Pali bus timetable is given below-
1. | 07.30 hrs | Bikaner to Udaipur | Nokha, Nagaur, Jodhpur | RSRTC Express |
2 | 08.30 hrs | Bikaner to Khetlaji | Deshnokh, Nokha, Nagaur, Jodhpur | RSRTC Express |
3 | 12.00 hrs | Anoopgarh to Pali | Jodhpur | RSRTC Express |
4 | 13.30 hrs | Bikaner to Ahemdabad | Nokha, Nagaur, Khivser, Jodhpur | RSRTC Express |
5 | 16.30 hrs | Bikaner to Banswara | Nokha, Nagaur, Khivser, Jodhpur | RSRTC Express |
Passengers are advised to confirm the latest bus timetable from bus stand enquiry before leavin.
Rajasthan Roadways provides online bus ticket booking facility through its portal
Rajasthan Roadways provides online bus ticket booking facility through its portal